'He has everything a Liverpool player needs': Klopp praises 'exceptional' Jota

'He has everything a Liverpool player needs': Klopp praises 'exceptional' Jota

"Diogo: exceptional player, exceptional boy," Jurgen Klopp said at a press conference after the Southampton clash.

"It was a perfect signing because he has everything that a Liverpool player in this squad needs.

"He has the technical skills, he has the physical skills and he is very smart and can learn all the tactical stuff pretty quick.

"Unfortunately, he had a big injury last year and that is then never helpful. But he is back, thank God, and fits really well in this team.

"I’m really happy for him."

Jota bagged a brace against Southampton. It was a top performance by the Portuguese who has climbed to the second place in the Premier League scoring charts.

He has seven strikes and is level with Mane and Vardy. The top spot is occupied by Salah who has scored 11 goals.

AuthorAleksei BlokhinSourceLiverpool FC