'Wonder when the people playing the game will have a say!': Robertson, Milner hit out at VAR following Brighton controversy

'Wonder when the people playing the game will have a say!': Robertson, Milner hit out at VAR following Brighton controversy

Milner has tweeted out what he really thinks of VAR after the officials awarded a shoddy penalty that earned Brighton a late draw.

"It’s “clear and obvious” we need a serious discussion about VAR," he wrote. "Sure I’m not alone in feeling like they are falling out of love with the game in its current state."

And Andy Robertson, who conceded a questionable late-game penalty, has added his voice to the mix.

"Wonder when the people playing the game will have a say! Very frustrating day but credit to Brighton, really tough opponent!" Robbo tweeted after the game.

Referee was advised to point to the spot after a clash between the left-back and Brighton forward Danny Welbeck.

AuthorAleksei BlokhinSourceTwitter