John Obi Mikel's face says it all as Lampard brings up Barca game in 2009 with Ovrebo as referee

John Obi Mikel's face says it all as Lampard brings up Barca game in 2009 with Ovrebo as referee

Frank Lampard and John Obi Mikel sat down together to talk about a really intense match - the second leg of the 2008-2009 Champions League semi-final between Chelsea and Barcelona. They discussed Chelsea's superior performance and the refereeing decisions that arguably cost them the final.

Even though Chelsea got ahead early and felt they should have had some penalties in that match, Barcelona scored a late goal that changed everything, leading to Barcelona winning the final against Manchester United.

On his podcast, Mikel said: "We were playing really well, we created lots of chances and we had lots of chances where we should have been up. The referee at that time wasn't budging. We had lots of penalties, lots of decisions would have gone our way but he didn't do it. And then obviously Iniesta scored the goal."

"We had a really good team at that stage, I thought we could've won it. But obviously, we didn't because of the decisions that didn't go our way that night. Looking back, it was really strange."

You can see it in Mikel's face that memories of that day still hurt him.

Lampard added: "There was something in that game that didn't feel right at the time because they are so clear (penalties). Now we have VAR, there is no way we wouldn't have two or three."

"VAR wouldn't be able to sit there and go that's not a handball. Gerard Pique did the handball one, just flicked it away. They would've been given and we would have gone through that night."

A long time has passed, but there are matches that are never forgotten, especially because of their importance and controversy.
