'Someone needs to be fired': Arsenal fans worried over persistent injuries with Timber latest casualty

'Someone needs to be fired': Arsenal fans worried over persistent injuries with Timber latest casualty

Arsenal fans are not taking the news of Jurrien Timber's injury likely with many suggesting that the club's medics need an overhaul.

The Gunners confirmed today that Timber sustained an anterior cruciate ligament injury which could potentially rule him out for the rest of the season.

Arsenal have had a new trend of injuries. Gabriel Jesus, William Saliba, Alex Zinchenko and Tomiyasu missed many games last season.

This term, the same issue has surfaced with Jesus, Zinchenko, Reiss Nelson and now Timber absent for some time. Fans have had enough.

Adeyemi Olusegun: "Someone needs to be fired actually, they cleared him to continue after halftime, it's really sad, we must suffer heavy injury every season, I believe if the doctors did their jobs right, they could have stopped him from playing second half, some of this injuries can be avoided".

Warlo: "What exactly does our medical team do???? I’m curious to know. The same thing happened to Jesus and Saliba. What are they getting paid for?"

Michael: "We need new medics during the transfer window. There’s still time".

AFC Harold: "Arsenal have the worst medics. Fucking idiots letting him play again.".

Vinny: "Classic Arsenal, sign a great player then instantly injured 🤦‍♂️ We must have the busiest club medics in the league."

The Gunners return to action on Monday against Crystal Palace with Tomiyasu expected to start.

AuthorToby PrinceSourceWarlo