Denilson explains why he does not watch Arsenal games: 'I miss the club too much'

Denilson explains why he does not watch Arsenal games: 'I miss the club too much'

Former Arsenal player Denilson has discussed his affection for the club that has not faded away since the Brazilian left North London.

"It would be too nostalgic," the midfielder told the Athletic when asked whether he watches Arsenal games on TV. "I miss the club too much.

"I’ve never been back to England. I’d like to go back, at least to visit the club and watch a match. I do miss it."

He was then asked whether he still talks to his former teammates.

"No. I lost contact with everyone," Denilson replied. "Sometimes I send a little message to Bacary Sagna or Emmanuel Eboue, but that’s it. I’m not in close contact with anyone."

Denilson spent 7 years at the Emirates after arriving as a 16-year-old from Sao Paolo. He made 153 competitive appearances for the Gunners before departing in 2012.

His career has been ravaged by injuries and he played his last competitive game to date in February 2019. The 32-year-old Brazilian is currently a free agent.

AuthorAleksei BlokhinSourceThe Athletic