'I couldn’t stay because I was upset': Sagna hits out at suggestions that he left Arsenal because of money or trophies

'I couldn’t stay because I was upset': Sagna hits out at suggestions that he left Arsenal because of money or trophies

“It was not about money like people think or any way of leaving to win trophies. No, I was happy at Arsenal," Bacary Sagna told Goal when asked about his decision to leave the Gunners in 2014.

"But my head was gone. I was upset. I remember the fans singing ‘we want you to stay’, but I couldn’t stay because I was upset and I couldn’t play with my head.

"Even my dad talked to me, saying ‘look you need to clear this up’ but I said I was too upset. I was not even performing. I remember my dad and my brother came to a game and they didn’t recognise me.

"I had some great moments, some difficult moments. I had some good seasons, some average seasons. But during that period I think I did more positive things than negative things and I never asked for anything.

"So I expected a bit more respect and so I made up my mind. When they came and said how can we help you, I said it was too late."

As a reminder, Bacary's contract expired in the summer of 2014 and he joined Manchester City on a free transfer.

His stats for Arsenal:

  • 285 games;
  • 5 goals;
  • 28 assists.

His exit was quite different from those of Cesc Fabregas or Robin van Persie as he did not push for a move away from the club, like the aforementioned duo.

Speaking of Cesc, the Spaniard recently stated that only among all Gunners, only Samir Nasri and RvP were 'at his level'. In reply, Sagna criticised the AS Monaco playmaker for his comments.

"From him I was surprised because he was supposed to be one of the leaders of the team, he was one of the great prospects and as a leader and a true player, you don't speak like that about your club," the right-back said.

AuthorAleksei BlokhinSourceGoal